Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Wow--I didn't realize how long it had been since I had written something. It was a charming look back to see my May 2007 self, not realizing yet that she is pregnant with her third boy, or that things would get so hectic between Mason's basketball, cub scouts, church, vacations, school events, baseball, and so forth and so on . . . ah yes, May 2007 was a simpler time. The good ol' days, as it were. Ever notice, everyone talks about the good ol' days as if they were so wonderful, when in fact, I spent most of my childhood lost in malls and theme parks (before cell phones), eating terrible food (before really good restaurants) and wearing the worst clothing imaginable (it was the 70s and 80s after all). No VCR, no DVD player, no internet. NO INTERNET. Think about that. No Wikipedia, no eBay, no E-MAIL. Digest that for a second. Nobody knew anything! Ack. I wouldn't go back for a zillion dollars. Well maybe a zillion dollars, because then I'd just hire some smart people to start the internet. Or Al Gore. Or something. But I couldn't do it for less than a billion-five. That's my bottom line.

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