Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are you watching JellyTelly?

This a bit arbitrary, in that my blog chatter (all two posts of it) has mainly been my thoughts at the time of each post, and not product endorsement, but I have got to say out loud once and for all that I LOVE JellyTelly. L-O-V-E IT. Can’t possibly say enough good things about it. What is JellyTelly, you ask? It’s a web-based children’s video “channel” that is sort of Sesame Street meets Sunday Morning Bible Class, crossed with the learning features of places like PBS and the Discovery channel, written by somebody from Monty Python. It’s really great. My kids love it, and often ask to watch JellyTelly on our computer over something they are allowed to watch on TV. It’s great because along with bible school stuff, JellyTelly adds in science and history tidbits, stories with morals, a special movie of the week(end), and best of all, Pirate Etiquette (who knew there were so many rules about how you should choose your pirate name?)

For a while the site was subscription based ($2.99 per month--affordable even in today's economy), but they’ve removed the subscription requirement and now everybody anywhere can watch for free, which rocks. Plus, there are cute little games to play and other features. It’s a really amazing site, and honestly, where else can you learn who all the judges were in the book of Judges? (I suppose one could learn them by reading the actual book of Judges and compiling a list, but the little song they came up with is soooo catchy . . . ) Anyway, if you have kids that are (or will be) TV watchin’ age, check out JellyTelly. Hey, if nothing else, nobody gets called “stupid” during some random cartoon—I swear if I have to explain why we don’t use that word in our house, but it’s okay for the cartoon guy to say it, I’ll go utterly completely certifiably mad. I’m just sayin’.

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