Sunday, March 21, 2010

In the paint

Yesterday was our last basketball game of the season, and Mason scored 12 points. Last year I think he scored 4 points the entire season. One of the best shots he made was a snake-like move from right under the basket, much to the surprise of the kid who was guarding him. Points aside, he has really matured as a player in defense and overall awareness, and he seems to truly love the game. I enjoy watching him play so much, which surprises me, because I'm not a big sports person. But then my life seems to be conspiring against me there, especially with having three boys. Can't avoid ESPN forever, can I.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Mason is not just maturing on the court! He is maturing in so many areas! I am constantly amazed at the young men that get up to speak or read scripture for LTC preparation. When Mason gets up, Austin just stares at him in awe! He is setting a great example! You guys are doing a great job!