Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best day ever

Mother's Day rocks. I was taken to Branson for the weekend, rode roller coasters and rides with my boys at Silver Dollar City, ate a ridiculous amount of really good food, and Monte even coached the kids to ask me, at different times of each day, "What would you like to do, Mom? Can we do something with you?" It was amazing. Any whining and eye rolling was down to a bare minimum and most of the time everyone laughed and joked and had a great time together. Tonight at dinner, Stephen said something out of the blue that nobody told him to say. He said, "Mom you're beautiful. I love you a really really lot. I love you, and also I love Jacqueline, but I love you the best."

Isn't he sweet. It's good to be the queen.

Wait . . . what? Jacqueline? Who's Jacqueline?

1 comment:

Susie said...

Yeah.....who's Jacqueline????