Tuesday, May 4, 2010

House selling is like a box of chocolates . . . that somebody bit into and put back.

Selling a house is like the high school dating scene for an average looking girl. You work hard to create your best appearance and then you put yourself out there, advertizing (hopefully) without coming off desparate, which gets some vaguely interested looks but for the most part nobody wants to dance. So you go on feeling blue wondering when someone will notice all your effort while simultaneously looking past the giant zit on your forehead, and give it all a chance, so you don't have to spend your weekends eating six pounds of chocolate while watching Behind the Music marathons on VH1.


Now I'm back in high school.


Nichole said...

What's wrong with chocolate and "Behind the Music"? Nothing. That's what.

Susie said...

Yeah, just like high school. Those people looking at the house and saying "not what I'm looking for" will drive by it 10 years from now and say "man....I wish I had bought that when I had the chance....it sure looks good!" At that point, you say...."Ha! Not for sale...Take that!"

Kristi E said...

See? You get me, Susie. You get me.