Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rookie Blue

Monte was upstairs watching "Cops" on the Tivo while giving Peyton and Stephen a bath. He went to get them out of the tub when his cell phone rang. Drying off two little wet boys takes all available focus so Monte let it go to voicemail. After he got the two monkeys dry and in PJs, he decided to check his messages.

The missed call was from the Columbia Police Department.

That got his attention.

It said "We have a message from one of your employees. He fears for your safety. Please call us at . . . " blah blah blah. So Monte calls back and assures the CPD that we are not in danger and are in fact freshly washed and in PJs, and then works with the officer to reconstruct whatever unfolded that got us here.

Apparently, before getting in the bath, Peyton played with Monte's iPhone and inadvertently called one of the IT guys at his work. Because nobody was actually talking to the IT guy, all he heard was "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! GET DOWN ON THE GROUND" and then several beeping noises. What he thought he was hearing was some sort of terrible home invasion or something. What he didn't know was he was actually listening to Monte watch a policeman from "Cops" chase a perp, followed by the sound of fast forwarding through commercials. After Monte called his friend back, the guy said "I should have recognized the beeps. They're Tivo beeps."

Between my mom last summer and Monte's friend at work, the cops are starting to put a mark by our name that reads, "I know we're supposed to follow up, but somehow I know this is going to end up on somebody's blog."

1 comment:

Susie said...

You have no choice but to move to OK now.....You will never get assistance from the CPD again!!

It took ten minutes to write this comment (had to pull myself up off the floor where I couldn't stop laughing!)