Friday, August 20, 2010

Old puppies, new tricks

The babies started second and fifth grade in Oklahoma today, and both reported they had a pretty decent day except for the turkey corndogs at lunch. That was one new thing they didn't care for. New school, fine. New kids, no problem. New teachers, bring them on, but new corn dogs, hold on just a cotton picking minute. I have always subscribed to the "put enough mustard on a corn dog and the flavor of the corn dog becomes a moot point" rule, but apparently the rule's only exception is a corn dog composed entirely of turkey. And probably soy, but thank heavens we haven't had to deal with that yet.

Stephen said the corn dogs tasted vaguely of mint.

Makes you wonder what these Okies are feeding their poultry.

1 comment:

Susie said...

I would have to draw the line at "turkey corndogs" too. I'm hearing a song from Sesame Street in my head....."three of these things go together, which one doesn't belong?" (Something like that.) Anyway....turkey....corn...dogs....none of these things go together!