Friday, January 14, 2011


I'm a woman living in a house with four males. That means I'm rarely, if ever, listened to with anyone's full attention.

Take tonight. At dinner, I was telling my boys about two things that couldn't be effectively compared. I said, "I mean, it's like apples and oranges." Mason replied, "Why? They're both round, they're both fruit, how are they that different?" And Monte, joining the conversation for the first time, said, "What? Do we need to go to the store?"

I could be hiding state secrets for all these people know!
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Jeni said...

Oh, Kristi...your family makes me laugh!! God knew you had enough patience to deal with all of those men. :-)

Susie said...

Yes, God gave us all these boys because we are strong women and we can handle it.... And on the bright side you will always have three men who will protect you like a grizzly!