Thursday, January 29, 2009

Going digital is sweet, but not my true love

Lately I’ve been a bit back into digital scrapbooking. When I came across digital scrabooking a few years ago, I was impressed at first, and then as I got more into it, underwhelmed with the results. I missed all the dimension—even with Photoshop and layers, it all still felt like just a picture of a scrapbook page. But a while back my friend Tiffany asked me to give her a five minute tutorial on digital scrapbooking, and I found myself admitting that there are some pretty cool DS advantages. No huge mess to manage and clean up, nothing stuck in the wrong spot (I can move anything anywhere, even months later), everything lays flat (obviously, but you’d be surprised how often warping occurs in a regular scrapbook page and how much that really affects the look of the layout), and when you have to make a quick layout of your child for their special “star” week at school like I did at left for Stephen, you can print out your design, send it to school, and not worry about it ever returning because you can print another anytime you like (I could never be that cavalier with my real "one of a kind" pages). I doubt I'll ever go completely digital—I still like the feel and look of real elements on a page—but I think I’m less of a purist and more open at least to a hybrid approach than I previously thought. Sometimes I even surprise myself.
(Click on the pages I made for Stephen to see them larger.)


Tiffany said...

I love the red page! The pictures are priceless. I need to post the pages I have done...thanks to you!

Andrew said...

Seriously, Monte can do all the amazing technical things he does, but cant rig up a camera and a tripod and timer (assuming he was taking the picture)? At least it would have been fun to convince him to run down the stairs that fast once or twice. I can hear it now...

Aw, you almost made it honey, try again.

But Kristi, I fell and broke my leg.

Don't you care about our families memories?!?! GET UP and try again!!!