Wednesday, March 25, 2009

But I went to college . . .

Mom: Stephen, how is it going? Are you winning at your video games?
Stephen: Yep. I just got the emperor. He weighed a lot of money.
Mom: No, he either cost a lot of money or weighed a lot of pounds.
Stephen: No, he can't weigh a lot of pounds, Mom. He can fly. He is light. (Whispered loudly to Mason) Mom doesn't know a lot about video games, does she.


Andrew said...

duh Kristi! everyone knows that in videogames, the standard measure of weight is either a monetary value, or factored as a volume of square spots it takes up in your inventory screen. get a clue!

Tiffany said...

It is amazing how we Moms don't know anything. Austin already gripes at me when I tell him he needs to burp in the middle of eating.