Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's cold again . . . and again

The weather in Missouri is fickle. It has been in the 70s and so beautiful that all of us kind of dropped our winter guard, putting on shorts and short sleeves and airing up our bike tires and basketballs, and shoving our winter gear deep into the closet. But this week there's been a change of fortune, and we woke up Tuesday to find ourselves facing 30 degree rainy drizzle. Amid sighs and hung heads we climbed into the closet and retrieved what had been gleefully shoved in there just days before—out came the coats and hats and gloves and cursed scarfs. The boys have been particularly hard hit and are in very deep denial, attempting to leave the house in short sleeves or profusely denying they are cold when their noses are bright red and their bodies shivering at a fever pitch. I was trying to describe the mood in my house to my sister in Phoenix, when I came across this page in one of Leslie Patricelli's books, Baby Happy, Baby Sad. It pretty much sums up what we've all been feeling . . .

Baby SAD! Mom SAD! Boys SAD!

On another more commercial note , if you have little kids, you should pick up Leslie Patricelli's books—they will love them. I got mine at and my sister got one at Walmart, so they're available pretty much everywhere. The books are really cute, and the illustrations are adorable. The author's URL is here: and the books are: Yummy YUCKY; Baby Happy, Baby Sad; Quiet LOUD; Big Little; Binky; Blankie; The Birthday Box; Higher Higher; and No No Yes Yes. Peyton likes and endorses them all, except Binky, The Birthday Box and Blankie, which we don't have.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

That's us, too! Down here in Nashville it was 80 degrees on Tuesday. We played outside with bare feet. Wendy wore a sundress.

And then, this morning, we got about 1/2 inch of snow. SNOW. That's more snow than we had all winter.

Bah humbug.