Friday, March 6, 2009

Peyton's Cadillac-ack-ack-ack-ack!

Now that I don't have those handy breastfeeding calories to fall back on, I have to actually select, and get into, a physical fitness program. I'm world famous for holding FFP focus just shy of a week or two, and then giving up the activity once I realize it looked like a lot more fun in the brochure (the people are always sweating AND smiling). But the big (gasp) 40 is coming up this June, and I really am starting to feel the effects of putting off caring for my body. I'm developing these creaky knees (they actually make a sound sometimes when I climb stairs) and an achy back (oy!), not to mention the endless "handles" I seem to be covered with (I refuse to associate them with the word love).

So here we are, to the money part. If you have kids or a hobby, there's always equipment--and since I'm tackling both at the same time, the equipment is gonna be sick, G! (as the kids used to say, about 100 years ago). Enter, the Chariot CX-1 Child Carrier []. This baby will go from a jogging stroller to a regular mall stroller without tools (the difference here being that the jogging version goes fast over bumpy terrain without knocking the baby into next week, whereas regular has a zero turning radius for those tight browsing situations, or when you need to do a quick 180, e.g. when you theoretically run into that mean teacher the kids had at that one preschool that nobody liked and you are looking to avoid strained chit chat). And when you're done strolling in all its forms, the CX becomes a bike trailer, for those times when your heart hasn't completely exploded out of your chest from all the other activity this stupid new post-prime fitness program suggests.

Mock if you will, (and I'm sure you will,) but this baby really is pretty neat. So far its gotten me up and moving (we're still in the two week honeymoon period, natch), and the steering and handling are like butt-ah. Best of all, Peyton seems to like it. He appears to think he's in some sort of cockpit and I'm the good natured but dopey ground crew. He smiles at me, like "Plane looks good today, Sparky--nice shiny wheels! Let's kick the tires and light the fires! Have you seen my Kenny Loggins CD?" He still too young to be embarrassed by the old woman huffing and puffing behind him--thank goodness. The illusion of fitness is complete!


Jeni said...

Wow - that's pretty fancy! I hope you get a lot of use out of it!

Tiffany said...

That is great! Are you walking with it or jogging?