Monday, August 24, 2009

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

When family comes to town, it's showoff time. See what new tricks the babies can do. Here is just a small sampling of how that went.

Mom: "Peyton, what does a doggie say?"
Peyton: "Moo"
Mom: "Noooo, a doggie says woof. What does a cat say?"
Peyton: "Moo"
Mom: "No, no, a cat says meow. What does a COW say?"
Peyton, sensing dinner time was near: "Chee?" (Which loosely translated means I'm hungry and I want six or eight pieces of cheese.)

So there you have it. Shauna's kids know all their letters, numbers, colors, algebraic equations and a little string theory. My kids are interested in the position of class clown, if they can get it. Nature, 1, Nurture, 0.

1 comment:

Brook said...

I have a cousin who had a daughter 3 weeks before Cam. Its the same thing- she is WAY ahead of him. Oh well- I think Cam and Peyton are pretty darn smart(and cute)