Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monte has a dream

Many people dream. Monte does it with flourish. Today he announced, "I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt we were at home, in our house, except the inside of it was covered in ice, like the inside of one of those ice hotels on the travel channel, that nutty people visit. And it was cursed. Our house I mean, was cursed. And the only way to counteract the curse was to cut up cheese and put it on the floor. So in my dream you were shredding cheese and putting it on the floor, and I was scooping it up with a snow shovel, because there was a lot of it. Pretty weird, huh?"

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Monte Ellis, the funniest man alive.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

Monte really can't handle warm milk before bed, can he?...don't try Ambien!! And he spawned 3 children...sadder for him or you? think about your actions...