Friday, January 1, 2010

Something wickedly cute this way comes

I'm an advertiser's dream because I'm usually very brand loyal. I like what I like and there are very few times when a substitute will suffice. Sometimes, though, I'm torn. For example, I like Coke AND Pepsi (I know, right?) I've voted for Democrats AND Republicans (and occasionally, Libertarians). I shop Target/Michael's AND Wal-Mart/Hobby Lobby, because T&M have higher end stuff, but W&HL are usually cheaper. Some days you just can't pick one over the other.

That's how I'm beginning to feel about digital scrapbook shops. There's Raspberry Road for all your vintage stuff, Designer Digitals for the basics, and the Sweet Shoppe for adorable kits like Monstrosity from Dani Mogstad, from which came this lovely offering . . .

I suppose we'll just all have to get along, because I can't commit to just one place to shop.


PS I decided to scrap this photo because I think mothers tend to keep all the smiling baby pictures and get rid of the less perky ones, when constant perk is more the exception than the rule in small children. Time to get real people! Go forth and scrap the cranky! That is all.


Susie said...

Bring on the cranky! Usually they have a better story behind them than the cute ones anyway.

Tiffany said...

I don't know what you are talking about! My baby never cries! Ha! I will have to try to scrap that. I love your journaling, too!