Friday, January 15, 2010

Two tickets to paradise

Twitter and Facebook are dumb. Not all human thought is valuable. Seriously people.

That being said, the one thought running though my brain over and over that I'm going to shout out to the ol' interweb is, "Praise the heavens, 56 degrees in Mid-Missouri in January! I feel like Kate Gosselin with a faithful and involved spouse. Somebody get me a fruity umbrella drink and a fan! I'm all in shirt sleeves and whatnot in January! My coat is unzipped and I'm not wearing gloves of any kind! Can I get an amen?" The midwest, and our lovely state in particular, just weathered (pun intended) ridiculous lows of -9 last week, and some of the time it was so cold I slept in my sweatshirt and jeans. You just can't get completely warm with that going on outside, and when I got my electric bill yesterday, I had to have the smelling salts handy. Baby, that cold snap cost me a small car. But that was then and this is now, and now is GORGEOUS. You wouldn't think 35 and 46 would feel like 68 and 74, but they do right after "this is how cold it is in deep space" negative 9.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go outside. In just a sweatshirt, in January. That's right. I said it. Jan. U. Ary. AMEN!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Amen, sistah! Now bring it back!