Sunday, March 8, 2009

More and more comedy

KRISTI: "Boys, settle down!"
STEPHEN: (tongue out) "Ppfppffpfttt!"
KRISTI: "That was disrespectful and not okay."
STEPHEN: "Sorry mom."
--Long Pause--
STEPHEN: "But was it funny, though?"

EDITOR'S NOTE: When you laugh at something a six year old does, it is often very hard to get the idea across to the same six year old that the act isn't actually funny over the very very long term.

Stephen, I'm your mom. It's important you listen to me and focus on my words. You have to pay better attention and listen with your eyes. Now, tell me, what did I just say?
STEPHEN: Um, I'm sorry mom. I dont know--I accidentally thinked about a horse.


Jeni said...

That made me laugh, too. We have a hard time keeping a straight face around Wendy quite often, and she's only 2 - it's bound to get worse!

Tiffany said...

Hilarious! I really think Andrew has said that same thing before! Good need it! :)

Barb said...

"Sorry Mom, I thinked about a horse..." This was hilarious!!

Andrew said...

Hey, who doesn't think about a horse now and again - those silly things pop up in the most unexplained places.

And, we all know, humor trumps pretty much everything.