Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's all about the comedy

Night of January 20, 2009
MOM: Stephen, how was Kindergarten today? Did Miss Shrum read you a story in circle time?
STEPHEN: Yeah, she telled us about Rocko Bottom.
MOM: Rocko Bottom? Is that some kind of super hero squirrel or badger or something? Do you mean Rocky and Bullwinkle maybe?
STEPHEN: No. She telled . . . We wrote him letters.
MOM: Letters? Why would you write Rocko Bottom letters?
STEPHEN: Because. We writed him letters because he's the President.
MOM: Ohhhh! You mean Barak Obama?
STEPHEN: Yeah. That's what I said. Rocko Bottom.


Jeni said...

That's priceless! I'll have to share that with James - he'll really enjoy it!

Tiffany said...

How funny! It is pretty cute to hear how kids process things.

Andrew said...

That's hilarious!