Saturday, February 7, 2009

Peyton's Birthday

Peyton turned one on January 23rd and mom made him a little cake. It was a red velvet cake with mint green icing, so asthetically it was a bit, uh, interesting. Maroon-red cake and light green icing . . . Monte said it looked like we were killing a stuffed animal. We sent the video to my sister in Phoenix, and she called and said before she knew it was a red velvet cake, she thought something was wrong with the color on her TV. As it turned out, Peyton had eaten so much chicken and fries at his birthday dinner at Bandana's Bar-be-que, dessert wasn't high on his to do list when he got home. He did smile for the camera though, which is more than I can say for his brothers on their respective first birthdays. In fact Peyton is showing many many signs of being nothing like Mason and Stephen. On their first birthdays they each demolished a little cake, had to be hosed down in the bathtub once the cake was pronouced dead, and finally, they were NOT NOT NOT interested in the photoshoot portion of the event. Peyton is his own person, and will probably be bewildered by his family for the rest of his life.


Jeni said...

I remember Mason bursting into tears when presented with his cake. I'm sure he's gotten over his fear of cake since then. :-)

Kristi E said...

Wow! I'm so impressed you remember that! He's come a long way, but he still doesn't like cake!

Tiffany said...

Maybe you should have given him fried ice cream. He seems to like that!