Monday, February 23, 2009


Orange Blossom Luna Tea Cakes. Sports Night. Pushing Daisies. Whisper Pink Mary Kay Eyeshadow. Spring Copper Glazewear. Veronica Mars. Dress it up petals rhinestone buttons. Starbucks Baked Berry Stellas.

What do these things have in common, besides the fact that you can no longer find them on the open market? Me. They were all my favorites. Favorite TV shows. Favorite make up, favorite food, favorite craft item. It's getting to be a joke of monumental proportions. Monte laughs every single time I say, "wow, I really like that" because he knows it's just a matter of time before the subject of my sentence is eliminated in all of its forms as if it never existed in the first place. Not just canceled or discontinued--expunged from the record, all traces removed like a HAZMAT team crossed with CIA spooks on a super secret covert ops elimination mission. It's bewildering. Seriously.

So, since it happens so often it can't be random, this is now an open letter to whomever or whatever is trying to eradicate everything Kristi Ellis likes. Dear evil nemesis, what gives? For real, dude, dial it down! Sorry I had to get all up in your grill. All my love, Kristi.

Since that's not likely to deter delicate baby sugar plum fairies, much less whatever ultimate evil matrix this is, look for the following things to go belly up or be removed from your lives soon: Tivo, iPhones, Scrapbooking in all it's forms, little league basketball, fruit, blue jeans and Starbucks Venti sized Black Tea Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade with three pumps of sweetener and light ice.

Meanwhile, American Idol and Major League Baseball (which I care absolutely nothing about) are still going strong. I'm just saying.


Andrew said...

I find it ironic that your husband... who presumably you like from time to time ... finds it funny that the things you like all disappear.

But seeing how I have good sense, please accept this as my formal request for you to quit being my friend. I don't want to go the way of the dinosaur, or Veronia.


Geoff said...

Top 5 All-time TV series:
West Wing
Sports Night
Fringe, recently replacing Lost

honorable mention- Boston Public

I completely understand the loss you feel and empathize about the Whisper Pink eye shadow. It was the best product ever from Mary Kay; my eyes looked spectacular on Prom night due to this magic elixir.

Please develop a fondness for The Jonas Brothers, Jack Black, and Hannah Montana!! Enough already...

Andrew said...

Hey, lay off Jack Black. That guy is awesome!

Tiffany said...

I totally wore Pink Whisper! You can still get Veronica Mars on DVD.